
A little tied up

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"There, how's that, can you reach the knot now?"

B asked, looking over his handiwork.

"No, that's better..."

Nadja replied as her nimble little fingers probed around for the knot, no longer reaching it. The lithe, freckled girl was lieing hogtied on the carpet, bound at wrists, elbows, feet and knees with soft white rope. She squirmed around a bit, trying to reach around the ties to find any knots or slack she could use to get free. But the ties where tight and strict. She could hardly move. She gave up little grunts as she worked and the elfish features of her face where locked in an expression of utmost concentration.

B stood up and watched her wriggle back and forth.

"Not even you should be able to get out of that."

He didn't sound quite as confident as he had wanted.

"Uh pfhunpfh uuh pfhfunhh, nuuh hahfh pfhuh fugnh pnfhhfh pfufnmnnpfh pfhfunhh fnupfahnpfh!"

B turned around and found miss Donna Muffletine, his secretary, standing in the doorway shoving a bunch of papers in his face. He reluctantly took the papers and glanced around them to meet her annoyed gaze. She stared at him with her "If I didn't remind you of everything you would be doomed, doomed I tell you!" expression on her ball gagged face. She wore shackles on her hands and feet. Custom made with padded leather cuffs and light titanium chains. She wore them like they where accessories, like bracelets. As naturally as she wore her makeup. She produced a silver pen and put it under his nose with a graceful movement of her milk-chocolate toned hand. B flipped through the documents with a frown.

"Didn't I sign these yesterday?"


Miss Muffletine replied in a definitive tone and tapped her shoe a few times to punctuate.

B scratched his head, but he had more faith in miss Muffletines memory then his own, so he put the papers up against the wall and signed them anyway. He didn't bother to read them very carefully either. Then he returned the papers.

"Thank you..."


She pointed down to the floor at Nadja. B looked back around. There was Nadja, cutting loose her ropes with a small pocket knife. Her feet where already free.

"Hey, that's cheating!"

"No, that's your fault for not searching me properly, dimwit... I shouldn't have to remind you."

B groaned but couldn't argue with that. None the less he stepped over and took the knife away.

Nadja smiled a big smug smile at his sour face. Even when he re-tied her ankles with even more rope, she just giggled and wiggled her feet. Just because of that he also tied her big toes together with thick string.

"Now that should be secure..."

"Mmmhuumm... maybe..."

Nadja responded.

Miss Muffletine came in and took a stroll around Nadja, each step just short enough for the chains not to stretch. She then gave a "Mmfh" of approval. Nadja glanced up at her.

"Love your dress Donna, it goes so well with the gag. I wish I could color coordinate like you do."

"Pfhhnnhp muuh hun! Muuh mun'pfh nuuh fhuh mhmh mnunfhnffh!"

The pretty secretary cheerfully replied when suddenly her pager beeped. She glanced on it and said.

"Huumm, hffnufh mufh..."

Then she swiveled around and walked out the door, tidying her brightly colored bangs as she walked away. B's phone also rang. He looked briefly at the number displayed.

"I have to take this... Hello. Yes, yes of course. No she told us what we wanted to know. I had to scare her a bit but she came around. Yeah I'll keep her here for a few days. No, she doesn't suspect you at all. Really? Well, I guess we can arrange for her to stay till Friday. Then I'll drop her of at the same place. Precisely. No, blindfolded the whole way. She's ticklish where? Oh, you should have told me that before I interrogated her. No, she's fine now. Yeah. No problem. Bye then, take care. ...Looks like we have to keep Lisa for a few days extra, she's staying longer then planned. You have any ideas for... What? No!"

While B was busy talking on the phone, Emma had appeared and now the little maid was busy untying Nadja.

"You didn't gag me... How can you expect me to not get free when you don't even use a proper gag. Convincing Emma to let me loose is hardly a challenge."

Emma stopped undoing the knots and started to blush.

"Did I? But I thought..."

"Oh it's not your fault Emma. B and me where practicing. He's just really bad at it."

B walked over to a table and picked up a roll of duct tape.

"If I can't get it right with ropes, then some mummification is in order..."

"Now you're learning!"

Said Nadja with a laugh.

"Should I assist you Master? A full mummification can take some time."

The maid asked, still a bit ashamed of her oversight in not realizing the rules of this particular game.

"No thank you Emma. I have to do this myself or Nadja will never let me hear the end of it... But you can get me some more tape. I need a wide selection, especially medical and bondage tape. Yeah, and some plastic wrapping."

"Very well. I will be back shortly."


Nadja started.


"That's not really readily available stuff you know."

"I'm changing the scenario... Or do you really want me to rough you up that badly? Duct tape is so tough on the skin."

She looked up at him through her eyelashes and looked a bit sly.

"Ok, so maybe not today..."

"Don't you worry though, when I'm done you're going to wish you didn't agree to this."

"Says you..."

He untied the rest of the ropes that Emma hadn't finished so Nadja could stretch her slender limbs for a while. She took full advantage of the break. Once Emma was back with a whole pile of all sorts of tape B got back to work. He wrapped Nadjas ankles together in sturdy duct tape, then did the same for a few wraps above her knees. As he was wrapping her arms to her sides, flipping her over to get around, she started complaining.

"You're going about this all wrong!"

"Oh really?"

He leaned over her as she laid flat on her tummy.

"Yes, you shoul..."

B had grabbed a big sponge and was about to stuff it into her mouth. She playfully tried to bite his fingers before he managed to push it in.


"How about now? Am I on the right track?"

Before she could respond he pressed a piece of light adhesive tape over her lips, then continued with sticky medical bandage wrappings over her mouth and around her head. Tightening each wrap, encasing the lower part of her face, from just beneath the nose down over her chin.

"Is that a good enough gag for you miss?"


"That's what I thought..."

He then put a piece of plastic cling film over her lush red hair, before he produced a roll of duct tape. Fastened it under her chin and wrapped it over the top of her head, onto the film and back under her chin again, he continued like that for a few wraps, to get a tight fit. Now she could not even move her jaw as her teeth clenched around the sponge packed in her mouth.


After that came black bondage tape wrapped around her head until it was fully encased, leaving only her eyes and nose uncovered. He rolled her over on her back again and picked up a long piece of white cloth. He raised it up over her forehead. She followed it with her eyes and then looked back at B. He waited for a moment. Her body tensed up and he though there might be hesitation in her eyes, but then she blinked slowly and went "mmfh". Then then blindfold got tied over her eyes.

"Emma, get miss Muffletine to cancel any further appointments today."

B pulled out a long piece of bondage tape.

"Now to make you really helpless..."


- Bgagger
Entry nr 6 in the Bgagger saga. Getting to know Nadja a little better.

For those of you who are still confused about all these characters, have a gander over at the Character overview:

It also helps to read: [link]
© 2008 - 2024 Bgagger
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Not very surprising that I say that I guess, since my previous comment, if I remember well, was exactly about Nadja and Donna.